Our heartfelt thanks!

To all of our fans, the best in the WSHL.

It is with heavy heart that our season has come to an end in such an abrupt fashion. That said, we concur with the WSHL’s decision in that this is the best option to ensure the safety of our players, coaching staff, volunteers and fans. We sincerely hope that in a short period of time all our lives will return to some degree of normalcy. 

On behalf of the Aeros, we would like to take this moment to send out some thanks to the people that made the 2019/2020 season happen.

The fans!! Without you, this season wouldn't happen at all and we thank you for your undying support of our team. We appreciate you attending the games and supporting the club in the Edson Community. Thank you very much indeed. We look forward to seeing you again next season!

To our sponsors!! Thank you so much for your dedication to the team and for helping us with your financial support. We wouldn't be where we are today without you and we honestly cannot thank you enough! We appreciate you so very much!!

To our local vendors!! Thank you for always being ready for us. You have made things easier for us by allowing us to manage things within the community of Edson. Staying local has always been important to us and we are committed to working with local vendors as much as possible. Thank you for your help and being so very supportive of the Aeros. 

To the dozens of volunteers who helped us put on our game days and other events. There is absolutely no way we could manage this on our own and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, we love you and we so very much appreciate you. The spirit of Edson lives on in you and we are grateful to have you be part of the Aeros family. 

To the billet families that provided a “Home away from Home”. Your undying support, compassion and heartfelt involvement in our players has not gone unnoticed. You care for them, support them and provide them an environment as close to their real home as possible. Thank you for taking the players in and having them be part of your family. 

To the coaching staff and support team. Thank you for the time, effort and energy you put in into having the players be prepared for the next game. You don’t go 44-3 (.936 win percentage, tops in the WSHL) without commitment and buy in from the team. We had our ups and downs this year but we can honestly say that we were a better team by the end of the season. Kudos to and congratulations to you all. It would have been fun to watch us challenge for the big prize this year! 

To the fun and games team (Stick boys, Puck boys, Mascot and helpers). Our intermission stuff was new this year and thank you so much for putting in the hard work that you did to make it a success. We really appreciate your effort and thank you. And to our Mascot, Avro. You are a hoot and thanks for making the games a fun event. The kids of all ages love you.

To our off ice team (officials, broadcast crew and announcers). Thank you for your commitment to the Aeros. We were always told by people around the league that our crew were the best in the WSHL AND  we couldn’t agree more. The Dream Team of the off ice! Thank you for all you have done for us this year. 

To the great folks at Repsol Place. Your assistance with scheduling and last minute adjustments are second to none. Your help with all the little things do not go unnoticed and is so very much appreciated. We really do have the best arena staff in the business and they dont get enough credit for what they do. Thank you very much for everything this past year. You folks are the absolute best!

To Edson Minor Hockey, Edson Mens Hockey and others. Thank you for making the scheduling look effortless when really it isn’t. Your flexibility really helped us and we truly appreciate it. Scheduling is a tough thing to do and your help in this was truly awesome. 

To the referees. Once again you have surpassed yourselves. Refereeing is a thankless job but we are here to say thank you for all you do. We congratulate you on an amazing season and thank you for your tireless commitment to the game we love. 

And last but certainly not least, our friends and family. What would we do without you guys?! Thank you for being so supportive of this adventure. We asked for your help and you have been so committed in what we are trying to accomplish with the Aeros. We really cannot thank you enough and love you all from the bottom of our hearts. Please don’t block us from your phone or Facebook, we get to do this all again next year ;). 

Over the next few days we will reminisce and take the time to say good bye to players and then we’ll get started on building for next season. Thank you to all of you and as always, if I have forgotten to mention someone, it was not intentional. 

Stay safe and we’ll see you about!  *fist bump*.