"Bernie called me."

October 8, 2018 - Edson Aeros President and General Manager, Axel Axmann, is pleased to introduce Olle Berndtsson to the Edson Aeros fans.  

If you ask Olle why he’s playing hockey in Edson and for the Aeros, its simple; “Bernie called me” says Olle. And it was literally that easy

The Aeros are pleased to have Berndtsson on the team. Big and strong (6’2”, 170lbs), Olle is not easy to move off the puck. “He’s got great hands and knows how to use his size to his advantage” says Axmann. “We’re very pleased that Bernie picked up the phone and made the call”.

Berndtsson comes to the Aeros from Stockholm, Sweden and says he’s enjoying his experience here in Edson.

Welcome to the Edson Aeros, Olle.